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Stick Horse Stick






The experience of encountering Hobbyhorse(wiki) (a toy consisting of a wooden stick with a horse's head decoration, common in Western Europe since ancient times) led to childhood reminiscences and a reflection on the relationship between humans and horses. While the hobby horse is a tool for imaginative play, allowing one to play both the rider and the horse simultaneously, in today's modern world where the relationship between humans and horses has changed, it also serves as a reflective tool for contemplating the everyday inconveniences and deficiencies. Through this experience, I sensed that the hobby horse could evolve into something beyond just a toy, potentially serving a greater purpose or activity.
In Finland, for about the past decade, teenagers and young adults have organized hobby horse competitions as a means to create a sense of belonging in society. Additionally, hobby horses have been introduced into school education. Drawing from my own experiences and considering these roles, I explored the future of activities aiming for unity between humans and horses, viewing the relationship between humans and horses as immutable, and practicing this through the instruments I created.




[1]-[5] «棒馬棒»14分56秒, [6]-[9] «オフセット・ディスプレイ»7分32秒


[1]-[5] «Stick Horse Stick» 14'56", [6]-[9] «Offset Display» 7'32"








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