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A mute point








This video was made before Tokyo Olympic Games postponed to 2021: Interpreting abstraction that represents something incomplete is depending on our different imagination. I therefore find someone’s trust or expectation for others in the situation of needing a social relation. In the situation, there is a reason why human expression should not always have to define what is abstracted. And I occasionally experience a moment when an abstract expression could be the best way to prompt active interaction among us.




[1]-[7] 映像2分13秒, 合板, 鉄棒
映像, インスタレーション
音楽: Natalia Merlano Gómez


[1]-[7] Video 2'13", plywood, iron
Video and intstallation
music: Natalia Merlano Gómez





© 2011- Gaku Nakano