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When I encountered the shells of cicadas or snakes, I felt they resembled human self-portraits or self-images. It seemed to me that the act of leaving behind traces on the body as one grows is an essential principle of expression. The shedding process overlapped with my own creative process, and I engaged in growth as an expression, embodying shedding.




[1]- [8] キャプチャ画像, «脱皮 2011», 6分42秒
[9] インスタレーション, 110 x 200 x 24 cm, 木工用ボンド, 髪の毛, 布団, Kodama gallery, 2015
[10]-[11] キャプチャ画像, «脱皮 2013», 12分25秒, [12]-[14] インスタレーション, Hohenloher Kunstverein, Künzelsau, ドイツ, 2013


[1]- [8] Captured images from «Ecdysis 2011», 6'42"
[9] Installation, wood glue, bett, hair, Kodama gallery, 2015
[10]-[11] Captured images from «Ecdysis 2013», 12'25", [12]-[14] Installation, Hohenloher Kunstverein, Künzelsau, Germany, 2013


Ecdysis, 2011, Umejima, Tokyo

Ecdysis, 2013, Galerie am Kocher + Frisör Kahl, Künzelsau, Germany






© 2011- Gaku Nakano